
Reports & Publications

The Arizona Department of Public Safety publishes a variety of key reports for public and law enforcement use, including some that publish on an annual basis in accordance with state law. Some of the agency’s key reports include:


The Department's current rulemaking activity is provided pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute 41-1021.02 and 41-1027, to allow the public to view all proposed rulemaking as well as final rulemakings that either become effective at a future date or have not been published in the Arizona Administrative Code.


Current Rulemaking

Rulemaking Agenda


Publics' Rights to Petition an Administrative Rules Review

Arizona Revised Statute 41-1033 provides instructions to the public on how to petition the Governor's Regulatory Review Council for a review of the Department's administrative rules or existing agency practices.


Additional Links

Public Participation Rulemaking Process

Secretary of State's Administrative Register

The Arizona Administrative Code

Governor's Regulatory Review Council

The Crime in Arizona publications are no longer produced as the state has moved to a new reporting system which provides up-to-date crime statistics as submitted by local law enforcement agencies. Please visit our Theme-Oriented Public Site (TOPS) here: https://azcrimestatistics.azdps.gov/tops for statistical information after 2020.

An Annual Report compiled by Access Integrity Unit of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety is pleased to participate in and serve as the coordinating agency for the Arizona Uniform Crime Reporting Program.

The purpose of the Crime in Arizona Report is to provide data regarding the nature and extent of crime throughout the State. This report does not draw conclusions as to the causes of crime. The report does provide the vital information necessary to assist law enforcement agencies, government, and the public in their approach to crime in our state.

This report is the culmination of a joint effort by our state's law enforcement agencies to collect and organize crime data. The information contained in this report should provide a valuable overview of the crime problem.

Available Reports

















Listed below are the EEO Utilization Reports:


EEO Utilization Report 2021

Crime Lab Reports

Crime Lab Landing Page



Strategic Plans


The Department enforces state law with primary responsibilities in the areas of state-level policing, highway/freeway/interstate traffic safety, criminal interdiction, narcotics, organized crime, auto theft, commercial vehicle enforcement, sex offender monitoring and licensing & permitting functions.

Services include criminal intelligence information sharing, gang enforcement, threat analysis, scientific analysis, air rescue, critical incident investigations, criminal information systems and records, training and statewide radio/data communications. Operational and technical assistance is provided to local and state agencies and other components of the criminal justice community.

The Department also promotes and enhances the quality of public safety through cooperative enforcement and community awareness programs.


Available Strategic Plans

FY2025 Strategic Plan

In November 1979, the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) enacted its first Bureau Order prohibiting the use of race or ethnicity as a predictor of criminal activity or as a factor for stopping, detaining or searching vehicles traversing Arizona’s roadways. In November 1999, the DPS enacted its first General Order addressing the issue of racial profiling. The General Order entitled “Racial or Ethnic Profiling in Traffic Enforcement” renewed DPS’ commitment to unbiased policing, and clarified the only circumstances in which officers can consider race/ethnicity when making law enforcement decisions.


In January 2003, DPS began voluntarily collecting data regarding traffic and pedestrian stops. In 2006, as part of a settlement agreement in a class-action lawsuit, DPS agreed to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of stop data being collected by Officers. DPS contracted with Dr. Robin Engel and the University of Cincinnati Policing Institute to conduct this analysis over a three year period. The first report was released in 2007, additional reports are available below:


Year Three, 2009
Year Two, 2008
Year One, 2007



Related Links


File a Complaint

Any person, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or nationality, who witnesses or has knowledge of police misconduct, may file a complaint. Misconduct may be defined as actions which are in violation of state or federal law, violations of departmental policies or procedures. Generally, complaints are filed through the supervisor of the involved employee, however you may also file a complaint through any supervisor, the department’s Duty Officer, the Internal Affairs Unit or by mail.

Internal Affairs Unit
Arizona Department of Public Safety
P.O. Box 6638
Phoenix, Arizona 85005
Office 602-223-2467
Fax 602-223-2922
Office hours - Monday thru Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Duty Office
Available 24 hours a day, year round

Area Supervisor
Call 602-223-2000 and request to speak to a supervisor in the area of the incident. This service is also available 24 hours a day, year round.



The department views all citizen complaints against its employees very seriously and actively pursues investigations into misconduct. For this reason, you must ensure your complaint is based on fact. False reporting in an attempt to unjustly subject a police employee to underserved discipline, slander, or place his/her employment in jeopardy can result in criminal charges and/or a civil suit by the involved employee.


Filing a Complaint

Residents, non-residents or visitors in Arizona may file a complaint, telephonically, in person, by mail or by fax, through the above contacts.


Racial Profiling

The Arizona Department of Public Safety is committed to ensuring that racially biased policing does not occur within our Agency. We have specific policies and procedures, coupled with on going training, to enforce this commitment. Additionally, we encourage the public and others that we come into contact with, to provide the Department with feedback, commendations or complaints, about the employee service that was encountered and received.