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Arizona Disposition Reporting System (ADRS)

The Arizona Disposition Reporting System (ADRS) is part of the strategic Integrated Justice plan for the state of Arizona. The objective of the system is to improve the reporting of disposition and sentencing information from law enforcement and justice agencies throughout the State and to improve the timely and secure sharing of Arrest and Charging information to all appropriate members of the law enforcement and justice community. The initial version of the ADRS provides a web interface to justice agencies for entering disposition and sentence data, thereby eliminating the submittal of the yellow disposition forms to the Central State Repository Section for data entry.

The ADRS interfaces with the Arizona Biometric Information System (ABIS) and the Arizona Computerized Criminal History System (ACCH). The ABIS populates all of the fingerprint-based arrests in the state into ADRS and ADRS has a two-way interface with the ACCH. Dispositions added, updated, or deleted through the ADRS are updated in the ACCH on a real-time basis. If updates occur directly into the ACCH related to arrest/charge information, transactions are then sent to the ADRS to keep the two systems synchronized. 

All arrest data stored in the ADRS is considered criminal history record information and therefore all security requirements defined in A.R.S. § 41-1750 apply. Arrest data starting from a February 1, 2007 arrest date is populated in the ADRS database. Arrests before this date do not exist in ADRS and previous procedures for updating disposition data apply. Once all charges for an arrest have a final disposition, the ADRS will purge the information associated with this arrest 31 days after the last charge was updated.

For any disposition or criminal history record information, please contact the Central State Repository Section at (602) 223-2222 or by emailing [email protected].

For connectivity issues or how to obtain ADRS access (law enforcement, courts, and prosecutors ONLY), please contact the ADRS admin by emailing [email protected].