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Troopers Use Grappler Police Bumper to Safely Stop Street Racing Suspects
- For Immediate Release -
On Saturday, June 10, 2023, Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZDPS) troopers and fellow Street Racing Task Force partners responded to reports of vehicles involved in intersection takeovers throughout the Valley.
During an incident at an intersection in Mesa, one of the involved drivers struck a pedestrian participant and then fled the scene. With assistance from task force partners – including the City of Mesa Police Department, Phoenix Police Department and Tempe Police Department – the suspect vehicle was located and an AZDPS sergeant successfully deployed the Grappler Police Bumper, netting one of the vehicle’s rear tires and bringing it to a safe stop.
The driver and passenger, both 17-year-old males, were detained and cited for street racing and the vehicle was impounded.
Street racing and intersection takeovers not only pose a significant disruption for other motorists, but they also endanger the lives of participants, pedestrians, and everyone on the road. Anyone caught engaging in street racing may face penalties including a 20-day vehicle impound, fines, community restitution, and the possibility of jail time for second and subsequent offenses.
AZDPS would like to thank our partner agencies for their continued efforts and support, which are critical in deterring and stopping this criminal activity.
Troopers Use Grappler Police Bumper to Stop Street Racing Suspect